Getting Started

How do I get Started?

The process of coaching begins by contacting me to set up a free consultation.  We meet either by phone or in person to get background information and discuss your desire for change.   When you are ready to make changes in at least one area, then you are ready for coaching.  This meeting usually takes one hour.

Next, a comprehensive assessment is taken that allows me to understand your most important issues and any medical limitations you have.   During the first coaching session (usually 90 minutes) we review the assessment and create a personal vision with three month priorities and behavioral goals.

Each subsequent coaching session lasts 30-45 minutes.  During these weekly meetings we will review your progress, brainstorm strategies, meet challenges, develop solutions and generate possibilities.  You will notice early wins which will buoy your confidence and reignite your motivation.

Ready to get started? Let’s go! Throw the first stone.

Please contact me to send me a personal message.