Tracey’s Bookshelf

Books have always been a reliable friend. No matter the stage in life or the challenge I’m experiencing, I can always find helpful ideas within a chapter or entire text. Below you’ll find books I have enjoyed that help with some aspect of health and wellness. I’ve provided a brief summary and a 5-stone rating. Feel free to send me your comments or questions.

“The Feeling Good Handbook” published 1999

by David D. Burns, MD
Tags:  anxiety, cognitive behavior therapy, depression

Book_FeelingGoodHandbookThis book was first recommended to me by a local psychologist and since then I cannot keep a copy of it on my shelf. Many have benefited from Burns’ chapters on breaking out of bad moods, conquering anxiety, and my favorite, 10 ways to untwist your

He introduces the reader to a drug-free treatment for depression and describes techniques and exercises that help you cope with self-defeating attitudes, fears, panic attacks, and more. A marvelous reference book yet very practical and written in layman’s terms. A wonderful gift for the one you love.

Tracey’ Rating:



“Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book”, 6th edition

by Dr. Susan Love
published 2010
tags:  breast health,reference

DrSusanLovesBreatBookNow in its 6th edition, Dr. Love’s Breast Book provides reliable and up-to-date information on everything concerning breast health.   Any woman facing a diagnosis of breast cancer, decisions about what to do or concerns about prevention will appreciate her expert guidance and the comfort that comes from a comprehensive understanding of options.

Dr. Love is a Clinical Professor of Surgery at UCLA and President and Medical Director of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. A founder of the National Breast Cancer Coalition, she was appointed to the National Cancer Advisory Board by President Clinton.

Tracey’ Rating:



“The Daniel Plan:  40 Days to a Healthier Life”

by Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen & Dr. Mark Hyman
published 2013
tags: brain health, Christian living, fitness, nutrition, small group study

TheDanielPlanRick Warren, best-selling author of “40 Days of Purpose”, co-authored the book with psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen (author of “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life”) and Dr. Mark Hyman (author of “The Blood Sugar Solution”).  Together they lay out a plan for a lifestyle change that includes a diet based on whole foods and a three-level exercise plan within the support of a faith community.  The website at offers interesting articles, recipes and devotions.  Additional materials include a 6-session DVD and study guide and a 40-day journal.

I led a group of women in a six-week study of the book using the DVD and study guide.  While almost everyone reported positive lifestyle and health changes, most agreed that 40 days is not long enough to accomplish everything desired.  The group plans to continue meeting with the goal of moving through the book at a slower pace.

Participants remarked that the best part of their experience was the support of friends throughout  the six weeks.  The average rating for the book among our group was 4.6 (scale to 5).

Tracey’ Rating:
